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Experience is what makes good management. While a course can teach you the theory, there is nothing better than day to day practice in managing staff and their issues. Not only will this create a happy and productive workforce but it will give you a head start in the approach and respect you have for your employees.
- Don’t Micro-Manage: you hired your employee because they could do the job, so allow them to do it. Give them clear instructions, provide advice when needed and give them praise for what they accomplish.
- Get to Know Your Staff: understand that personal issues cannot always be left outside the office, so take time to talk with them about it
- Understand Limitations: don’t get staff to complete tasks you yourself wouldn’t do or take risks you wouldn’t take
- Listen to Suggestions: ideas often come from undertaking simple daily tasks. Give thought to these ideas and reward staff when their ideas save money, generate business or increase overall productivity.
- Put the Right Team Together: a cohesive team is more than the sum of its parts. Watch out for tension and disagreement within teams, especially if members are constantly unhappy.
- Create a Positive Atmosphere: issues are more likely to be fixed early on if staff feel they can talk with you about anything, rather than covering them up.
- Give Staff Opportunities to Develop: your retention will increase if staff fell they are improving and growing within the job, with good chances of further career development.
- Be Approachable yet Professional: be clear where lines are drawn – you are a manager not a friend.
Good management of staff can make or break a business. Review your people skills on a regular basis and don’t expect miracles from either yourself or your staff. Both you and them are only human.